Ice cream…

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Amishi: Can we please go to have some Ice cream?

Father: Yes, sure but do you know the history behind ice cream?

Amishi: No… but I would surely like to know the history behind ice cream. It sounds really interesting …..

Well, this is a true conversation between me and my Dad. I thought, why not share it with you all !!So, be comfortable in your back seats and enjoy!! If I ask you the meaning of a ice cream, what will be your answer? Comment and tell me.

What Google tells:

Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice) is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors.

If someone asks me, I will tell that:

Ice cream is a yummy dessert which has cream on the top.

Father: Good question! No one knows. The title of official ice cream inventor has never been awarded. What I know is, as far back as 200 B.C., people have enjoyed variations of frozen treats. Alexander the Great loved snow flavored with honey and nectar, biblical references have been made to King Solomon’s desire of iced drinks, and Nero Claudius Caesar was known to send servants to the mountains for snow to then be flavored with fruits and juices. However, it is the Chinese who are most often credited with the invention of today’s ice cream. They figured out that packing snow into a bowl of rice and milk made a tasty treat.

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Amishi: Oh! I see…

Father: Then a thousand years later, Marco Polo returned home from a trip to the Far East with a recipe similar to modern day sherbet. The craze quickly spread throughout Europe’s upper class and royalty during the 1500s. But that ice cream just kept on melting. So, there was no way for lower classes to keep their ice cream cold.

Ice Cream Today

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Ice cream is no longer, just a treat for the elite. Today ice cream is found in almost any restaurant, or corner store, and is recognized globally as the perfect summer treat. In the United States alone 1.6 billion gallons of ice cream and frozen treats are produced annually, with the average American eating four gallons of ice cream each year. That’s a lot of ice cream! Ice cream is still evolving and changing each year, with new flavors being introduced and tasty recipes being developed.

Amishi: Wow…that was really interesting.Thanks, Dad!!

Where will ice cream be in the next 20 years? Tell me, what you think in the comments. That’s all for this week, wait for my next blog!
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Thanks a ton!!!





Me: Mom, should I go to school today?

Mother: Yes, you are not even sick!!

Me: But, why is school important?

Is this the question, that pops up in your mind too? Well, this is a true conversation between me and my mom. I thought, why not share it with you all !!So, be comfortable in your back seats and enjoy!!

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Mother: When someone brings up a school in a conversation what is the first thing you think about? Kindergarten? Elementary? High school? College?

Me: Um…School

Mother: Regardless of the level of education, they are all significant in their own way, thus, here are five reasons why you should go to school.

     The first reason why you should go to school is that school helps you find their major. Ever since Kindergarten, the teachers asked students what career they would like to pursue when they grow older. When those students transition to elementary and high school they begin to gravitate towards a certain discipline and when they finally make it to college a discipline may be chosen and pursued. But the school does not only prepare you for your future major it prepares one for the real world. The stress, time management, and priority-making begins in the classroom. Students are given homework in order to complete before certain deadlines, prioritize specific assignments and activities.

Me: But, why homework?

It improves the child’s thinking and memory. It helps a  child develop positive study skills and habits that will serve him or her well throughout life. Homework encourages the child to use time wisely. Homework teaches the child to take responsibility for his or her work.

Me: Never knew…

Mother: The third reason why to go to school is that school helps develop networking and social skills. Students are surrounded by students in the classrooms, hallways. So, students have no choice but to socialize with friends throughout their educational career; the relationships that are made during school are relationships that will help others get things that would be more difficult if that student had not made those friendships. Moreover, by going to school one will inevitably learn something throughout their years in kindergarten and elementary, especially high school and college, if attended, compared to someone who does not pursue a higher echelon of learning. For example, someone who attends school 5 days a week, 8 hours out of the day for 9 months will retain a significant amount of information compared to someone who does not have education being imparted on them.

Me: Oh!! What is the 5th reason?


     Mother: The fifth and final reason why you should go to school is that school helps develop the interest in extra-curricular. For example, people who attend school have the capability to participate in after-school activities. That student can develop a talent in dance, football, chess, math club, and many other extra-curricular activities. Thus, showing it is important for you to go to school.

   Me: Now, I realize that education is a key tool in life and its successes. School is a method of growth and expansion of character and will continue to have reasons why I should go to school.

I really hope this was helpful!! That’s all for this week, wait for my next blog!

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Thanks a lot !!!

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Happy Children’s Day!!



Greetings !!! I received a remarkable rejoinder for my last blog. So, here is my next blog:

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Well, you might be thinking whose birthday is it ?? Not mine, not your’s then…Some weeks ago, was my brother’s birthday! From when I am small, I love my brother. Although, people will be like ‘seriously’? But, really it doesn’t matter to me.

As I was born my brother always used to spend time with me. When I was about 2 months I could barely move from my bed, my brother use to come and tell me his daily life routine. Want to know, what use to be my reply CRYING. As I grew it was my time to take revenge! When it was time for my brother to go to school. Early morning even I use to wake up. He will be brushing his teeth I quietly go, scream and off the lights of the bathroom!he use to start crying. After one week my brother got irritated and he put a table in front of the bathroom. the table was slightly bigger than me than me. So I couldn’t go under it nor I could climb over it. I got angry, there was a remote on the table a threw it with anger. Then, I got an amazing idea!! There was a little space between the table and the bathroom. And I went through it !! Mission successful!!

I and my brother use to love this game called “mummy-papa”.I was the mummy and he was the papa. We always use to play this in our house he use to drive a car(that we made on the bed)He use to help me buy vegetables from the fridge! how fun it was!!

After a very long time, my parents took me to the mall. I and my brother was super excited. But, there was a problem. IT WAS OUR TIME FOR PLAYING MUMMY-PAPA!!!! As I told you we both loved to play that game. we decided to play it in the mall. it will be like mummy and papa went to the mall for shopping! when my parents were checking out clothes, we both saw this shop full of candies we couldn’t wait and we both ran towards it . We did not tell our parents and thought that if we get lost we have our toy phones right! Then, in the end, we were found playing in the play area!!!!

That’s all for today’s blog! I hope you liked it !!

Thanks a lot, guys!!

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The bad news(Part 3)

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is the continuation of my last blog…

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Recap of my Last blog:

Elisha And Charlotte–Oh no!! We mean, Good morning ma’am.

Professor–Good morning. What is going on here?
Elisha And Charlotte–NOTHING! We were sleeping.
Professor–What was the noise?
Charlotte–Ma’am the noise, that was from room no 201.
Professor–Oh! Sorry to disturb.
Elisha–No ma’am, its fine.

—————————–Closed the door —————————-

charlotte–this was so fast

Elisha– I know right. Never knew you were so good at telling lies!!

Now, finally, they became best friends!! but still, the story has not reached to an end!!

Wait, for part 3. That will be the last blog on bad news. Do they still continue to be best friends? What happens next?

Yes, they continue to be best friends… finally, the girls passed out college with flying colors!! Charlotte becomes one of a  famous model and Elisha becomes one of the best writers. Many years passed, they got used to their job.

The best celebrities awards were going to be held. Charlotte and Elisha were also invited. Both of them were very excited as they were meeting each other after many years.

Finally, the day of the award ceremony arrives red carpets, flashlights are ready. Elisha arrives. Elisha didn’t want want to collect the award without Charlotte. The ceremony was about to start. Suddenly, a beautiful model arrived. That was Charlotte!!!! she was really thankful and glad that Charlotte arrived. They both sat together and were enjoying the ceremony until it was time for the award for ‘The best writer award(female)”. The nominees are:

Marrie Morgan

Jennnifer  D’souza

Hannah Johnson

Elisha Stanley

So put your hands together for the best writer of 2018, ELISHA STANLEY for the book The bad news !!!!!

*Elisha goes on the stage to collect her award*

“Good evening, I am Elisha Stanley. I thank everyone for this award. I have won this award due to my new book that is ‘The bad news’. It’s dedicated to the best roommate. She is Charlotte, one of the best models. She sitting there. If I wouldn’t have met her, then I may not be here. thanks a lot, Charlotte!!

*Tears in her eyes*

——————————————————- The end——————————————————————–

I really hope you liked the series of the bad next blog is going to be about my brother as last week was his birthday! So, if you want to know some secrets about him, don’t forget to read my next blog!

Thanks a lot, guys!!

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The bad news(Part 2)

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is the continuation of my last blog…

Image result for whatever happens happens for good

Recap of my Last blog:


They both ran towards a professor who lived on the same floor. the conversation went like:

Elisha –Good evening sir!

Charlotte–hey sir!

professor–Good evening girls! Tell me, how can I help you?

Elisha and Charlotte–my roommate!!!!!!!

Professor– I am very sorry girls ! this is one of the top colleges in the world and the roommates cannot be changed. Please try next year.

Elisha and Charlotte- NEXT YEAR !!!!!!

So I am sure you wanted to know what happens next when to opposites come to the same room one stylish and one nerd !!So as the professor denied they decided to adjust. Late night Charlotte was putting on her all facial creams. And giving a lecture on the benefits of these creams.

Elisha -“-For god’s sake, can you shut up?? I am trying to study!!”

Charlotte—__________________This cream available for $50_________________Wait is there an exam tomorrow ??

Elisha– Science recap test ?? Can we sleep now?



Charlotte–Wait… this one… No, this one no! Ok, I have no clothes to wear!!

Image result for messy room full of clothes

Elisha: Can you shut up??

Charlotte–Never knew had to see this day! Can you help me to find my clothes??

Elisha– FINE !!


Elisha: Ah!!!! what is this??

Charlotte-My favorite top !! thanks, for the first time. I should probably change now.

Elisha-No! But I fell down because of you and your top…

Charlotte-I think I should say sorry to ——————my top—————–!!

Elisha And Charlotte-**************Fighting ******************

*Ting tong *

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Elisha And Charlotte–Oh no!! We mean, Good morning ma’am.

Professor–Good morning. What is going on here?
Elisha And Charlotte–NOTHING! We were sleeping.
Professor–What was the noise?
Charlotte–Ma’am the noise, that was from room no 201.
Professor–Oh! Sorry to disturb.
Elisha–No ma’am, its fine.

—————————–Closed the door —————————-

charlotte–this was so fast

Elisha– I know right. Never knew you were so good at telling lies!!

Now, finally, they became best friends!! but still, the story has not reached to an end!!

Wait, for part 3.That will be the last blog on bad news. Do they still continue to be best friends? What happens next?

Thanks a lot, guys!! I am leaving a suspense here !! Now, you can guess what will happen next. To know more wait for my next blog!

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The bad news

Sitting in the house bored, waiting for her parents to arrive. Suddenly the phone rang she picked up the phone ———————————utter silence ——————————————-

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is my next blog…

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl born named Elisha. She had amazing parents and life.  One day when her parents had gone out, she got the bad news.

You guys might be thinking, what is the bad news ?? The bad news is her parent’s death in an accident. she cried a lot and told that she wanted her parents back.

she had then shifted to her aunt’s house.she had to live in a small storeroom. the only thing she dreamt was going in one of the best colleges.

Although she used to live in the storeroom she loved her life, her room was not less than a heaven. She had beautiful posters, lights etc. Finally, she grew up and got admission in her dream college. While she was having a look around the college she came across a girl and bumped into they both had a fight and then went towards their room. Elisha first entered her room. She loved her room.

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As she used to love books she filled her whole table with books.

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She had been waiting for her roommate to arrive for super long. finally, the doorbell rang she rushed to see her new roommate. she opened the door and it was the girl she had bumped into. They both screamed, Elisha told” what are u doing here? This is my room and I am sharing it with Charlotte. she replied, “I am Charlotte!”


They both ran towards a professor who lived on the same floor. the conversation went like:

Elisha –Good evening sir!

Charlotte–hey sir!

professor–Good evening girls! Tell me, how can I help you?

Elisha and Charlotte–my roommate!!!!!!!

Professor– I am very sorry girls ! this is one of the top colleges in the world and the roommates cannot be changed. Please try next year.

Elisha and Charlotte- NEXT YEAR !!!!!!

Thanks a lot, guys!! I am leaving a suspense here !! Now, you can guess what will happen next. When two frenemies become roommates. To know more wait for my next blog!

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I hope this was interesting.




Image result for never give up

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is my next blog…

Can you even remember a world before YouTube?

We personally have trouble remembering anything from the pre-YouTube era. It almost seems like the video streaming site has been around forever. Maybe that’s just because we love the site so much.

Youtube seems to have been around forever but has actually only been around since 2005 before being sold in 2007 for 1.65 billion US dollars. Many people including myself are fascinated by this amazing success and growth in such a short time. Many will draw inspiration from the Youtube story. And you never know, it could be your online company next that Google wants to buy!

YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim,  they worked for PayPal.The domain name “” was activated on February 14, 2005, with video upload options being integrated on April 23, 2005.

Wait !!🖐 don’t sleep. now let’s talk about the first YouTube video.

The first YouTube video, titled Me at the zoo, was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo.

Why was YouTube made??

According to the founders, the idea of a video sharing website was conceived when they had trouble sharing videos taken at a dinner party with their friends.

Some amazing facts about YouTube:

  • In November 2006, Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 Billion
  • The first YouTube video was titled “Me at the zoo” and shows founder co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. “I at the zoo” was uploaded at 8:27 PM on Saturday, April 23, 2005. The 19-second video has been viewed over 30 million times.
  • In 2012, a YouTube video called “The Innocence of Muslims” caused international anti-American demonstrations.

History of youtube😊

As employees of PayPal, the three soon realized, in 2004, that there wasn’t one location where videos could be shared. Years later, Karim explained that it was the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident as well as the tsunami in December that triggered the idea.

As a capital-funded startup, the idea for YouTube received an $11.5 million investment from Sequoia Capital in 2005. In February, the domain name was registered in the headquarters above a pizzeria in California. In April, the first ever video was uploaded by Karim named ‘Me at the Zoo’. After a Beta testing period, the site launched in December 2005 and a Nike commercial became the first video to receive one million views.

After extremely quick growth, Google acquired the company less than a year later for around $1.65 billion. However, the site was still relatively small compared to what we see today and it hadn’t even reached the UK and many other countries. In June 2007, the site eventually launched in the UK as well as eight other countries. After more growth, HD videos were introduced in December 2008 and there were more people now finding different uses for the site.

In 2009, big events occurred for YouTube including the full launch of HD (now up to 1080p rather than just 720p), one billion video views per day, and a partnership with Channel 4 meant that they had catch-up TV for the first time. As mentioned previously, there were also people finding different uses for the site and it was around this time when gaming and vlogging channels started to gain interest.

In 2010, new types of ads were introduced and the site soon hit three billion daily views mid-way through 2011. As audiences start to realize what can be found on the site, many gamers and vloggers now had an opportunity to earn a living simply by posting videos on YouTube and receiving revenue from ads and support. At the end of 2011, the whole site received a huge overhaul. Around one year later, the first ever video to hit one billion views was Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ ( You would have heard the song )shortly after the site announced four billion daily video views.
Since 2012, YouTube has gone from strength to strength and now finds itself as a multi-billion dollar company. In terms of the site itself, it has recently added live streaming, around 5 billion videos are watched each day, over 1.3 billion people use the site, and 300 hours of video are uploaded each and every minute.

In the years ahead, the support for YouTube is only going to get stronger and it has been predicted that around half of all under-30s will not pay for a TV subscription because of YouTube!

This is the reason why I kept the quote for today Never give up. The invention of Youtube was not at all easy. There were x100000 difficulties . But now youtube is a great success.

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thanks a lot, guys!!
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I hope this was motivating and interesting.




“Finally, the day came. Ready 1 ,2, 3 go”

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Greetings !!! I received a remarkable rejoinder for my last blog.

So, here is my next blog.

So u would be thinking why his ready 1,2,3 ???

The reason for this some days ago I thought to do something for my parents you might be thinking why?? Now  answer some of these questions:

Who gives you pocket money?

Who buys everything for you?

Who takes care of you?

Who takes you to the places you really want to visit?



this is what was going in my, I decided to organize a parents day.

there is Fathers Day, Mother’s Day, sister day but no


parents day


so, I wanted to do was something very special.  How about a song?

I took one hour and then finally composed a song and also a poem!

Here is my poem:

Good parents are found very few,

one of them is surely you,

take me on a drive,

stop me from crying.


You give me everything I want,

no matter how much does it cost,

on  every fest,

you give me a humongous chest.


when I look into my parent’s eyes,

you know,

that’s the purest love,

you can ever find …..

I really hoped you like it.

I and my brother gave them gifts, made food for them and much more .if my parents are reading my blog then:

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Thanks a lot for reading my blog. I really hope you liked it.

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                                Thanks once again 



Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is my next blog….

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Imagine if you got what you want, every time.
No struggle.
No hard work.
No challenges.
No hard work required.

Maybe … that would be great…
but… would be weak!

And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.

You can not GROW without struggle.
You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle.

PAIN is your friend.
Maybe not in the moment.
But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being – pain IS YOUR FRIEND.

If you didn’t have failures,
If you didn’t have struggles,
If you didn’t have disappointment,
You could have no strength, no courage, no compassion.

How could you?
Those qualities are MADE from your pain and struggle.

You were given pain because you are strong enough to handle it.

You were given this LIFE because you are strong enough to live it.
Because you are strong enough to drive though it
To inspire others through it.
They will look to you and say:
He did it,
She did it,

Once in 1914, there was a massive explosion in USA in New Jersey! 10 buildings in a factory owned by Thomas Alva Edison were burnt into ashes. About 6 to 8 fire trucks came to stop the fire but couldn’t remove the chemical fuel present. Thomas Edison calmly stood there watching the havoc when his son Charlie came up to him. Thomas, in a very kind and noble manner told Charlie, “Go get your mom and her friends, they wouldn’t get to see any havoc like this ever.” Charlie stood transfixed by this and said, “Dad, your entire factory is being burnt down to ashes!”. Thomas Edison replied with calmness within him, “Dear son, yes our factory is being burnt down to ashes but all the mistakes we have made in the factory are also being burnt! We will start all over again tomorrow.” That evening Thomas Edison told a reporter,” Although I am 67 years old, and I am completely exhausted from running around and trying to cut down the fire, tom. I will start again afresh, a new beginning.” And so he did. The next day was a new beginning for Charles and his father to rebuild what had been destroyed. Often this is what gives us. (break a matchstick). Our dreams are shattered. Our hopes are broken. Efforts, all gone. Great people don’t cry…. They rebuild. Great people don’t give up but live up to the challenges. Great people don’t go through, but grow through the difficulties. They start all over again with great determination and that is why they reach the highest peaks of success. So that is why I say no challenges, no success, know challenges, get the success.

thanks a lot guys!!
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now there is a small change that my blog will be updated every Friday …..
I hope this was  motivating..