Things to be grateful for during this time…

Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly.

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This year, humans have gone through a lot. Each day we sleep wishing and hoping that there will be a better tomorrow.

I know it’s tough. I know it’s not easy. We need to do anything that makes us happy during this time. Because you and I aren’t fighting for a today. We’re fighting for a tomorrow. And there will be a tomorrow. Sooner than we know.

I was sitting in my room brainstorming ideas for my blog and that’s when the biggest task of my To-do list popped up in my head. And I have procrastinated it enough. Well, it is not my homework, it is the list of things I am grateful for. And now I expect you to make one too! Don’t lie to me, you have heard of this tip more than once but you never tried it. And especially when we are at home and there is a lot going on outside, this is the right time for it!

Request: Please forget all the negatives that are in your brain right now and calm yourself down.

Grab your paper and pen because we are going to do the biggest task of our TO-DO list.

Things to be grateful for-

  1. Being safe

This one of the most important things we should be thankful for. This virus entered the world in December and if I take you to a flashback in December, I can easily say-

  • You were going out
  • Eating at restaurants
  • Being in social contact
  • Going to school

And by the blessing of God, you are safe.

2. Staying at home-

I have been quarantined at home for more than 2 months now. I have been living in this house for 3 years now and I am not joking I have discovered a few items and corners that I never thought would be in my house! And if by chance, you moved to a new house recently, spend time exploring your house and don’t do it because you don’t have anything to do but do it to create memories.

3. Online learning-

I turned thirteen last year. And since then I have had a feeling of ‘Being independent’. I thought the only way to be independent was to stay away from parents. But this year I realized that being independent is taking the responsibility of your own. Taking the responsibility of your studies is what I learned this year, you need to concentrate on your studies and work yourself as no one is there to keep an eye on you.

We have so much to be grateful for. Although things might not look good right now, we can look forward to the hope that one day, we’ll go out again. We’ll be able to see our friends without fearing for our lives. We’ll get to travel to places and fly around the world. Just breathe and smile! Everything will be okay! God is with us and will be with us.

This was the blog for this week and I hope each one of you out there becomes more grateful, follow all precautions and STAY SAFE! Don’t forget that I believe in you and I am sure you will get through this time.

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And see you next week. Have a good day ahead!

Productivity- Quarantine special

You may feel like everyone around you is using their free time during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic to learn new skills, get fit, etc. This may leave us worrying if we should be doing the same or why we don’t feel up to doing this. It’s important to remember that there are no rules on being productive right now. It’s about getting through it in the best way we can.

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Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly. 

First of all, you are normal and absolutely fine. There is nothing wrong with you.  There will/have been times where you feel that you are not good enough just remember that you are not the only one.

ou may be wondering why you are finding it difficult to stay motivated or are avoiding completing tasks you have to do or would like to do. Feeling anxious, due to the pandemic, may be causing you to procrastinate. When we feel anxious it can make it more difficult for us to complete what we might consider basic tasks. Although, the more you procrastinate, the worse you might feel about the fact that you’re procrastinating, and the greater your anxiety might become. No need to lie on this now, I know that you are not able to cope up with everything going on and make yourself understand this, IT IS OK AND I AM OK.

Now, that you have explained this to yourself we need to know how to stop this. I have researched a few tips, hope it helps…

  • Plan it out and get organized

Time is the one resource that we can’t buy, but we often waste it or use it ineffectively. Scheduling helps you think about what you want to achieve in a day, week, or month, and it keeps you on track to accomplish your goals. Also, you need to know the key of scheduling. There is one type of schedule in which you plan your routine for a week. Then the type of schedule is for the day, it can be making to-do lists soon after school that helps u be more precise about your goals for each day.

  • Stick to it

Just making a schedule and sticking it on the wall, will make you less stressed but it is pointless until you execute it.  Stick to your plan and you will see the magic.

  • Don’t pile up work.

This is something I understood in first week of school. The number of assignments kept on increasing while the deadlines were even closer. You need to finish the assignments the day itself to avoid procrastination.

  • Learn to focus

This is one point which I hoped I was told before. I use to spend hours studying but making really less progress. The only key to this problem is focusing. can be as easy as removing all the distractions, taking short breaks, etc.

  • Friends and family

They can make everything fun. You can video call your friends and family study, workout,or do any task with them. In this case, you are working as well as having a great time.

This was the blog for this week and I hope each one of you out there to use these tips, follow all precautions and  STAY SAFE! Don’t forget that I believe in you and I am sure you will get through this time.

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And see you next week. Have a good day ahead!




Wake up!!- Quarantine special

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Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly.

Has it become hard to wake up early in quarantine? Do you not get time for all the activities you really want to do? You can’t change your schedule but you can definitely extend it! Presenting a few tips on how to wake up early-

  1. Be prepared-

Make your morning stress-free by gathering up everything you’ll need ahead of time. Pick out your clothes, keep your laptop charged, etc.

  1. Set a digital curfew

Exposure to bright lights and screens (like a laptop or cellphone) before bed can also throw off your circadian rhythm and compromise sleep quality. Enact a “digital curfew” that signals when it’s time to put down your phone.

  1. Sleep on time-

To wake up early, you need to follow a sleep cycle. You need to know the total hours of sleep your body requires and sleep at the same time at night. One thing I have learned from my past experience is that just lay down, no need to ‘try’ to work until you fall asleep. You will gradually fall asleep, once you are in bed.

  1. Decrease the Amount of light in the room.

Darkness is essential to sleep. The absence of light sends a critical signal to the body that it is time to rest. Research has also proven that candles and blue lights get you to sleep faster and start the day with more energy.

  1. Say no to the snooze button

There is only one way to is following that tip- knowing the reason for it. You should ask yourself the night before, ‘why’ should I wake up? It could be a simple reason for reading a book or it could be writing a few e-mails and doing and getting done with your assignments.

  1. Don’t linger in the bed-

That means no hitting snooze, checking email, or whatever else you’re tempted to do to squeeze in extra minutes under the covers. The bed should be used only for sleep and not for work, this subconsciously tells the brain that it should be doing nothing else but sleep when the body is in the bed.

  1. Write your brain –

This a way to clear up your mind in the morning. Just write all that comes up in your brain. It does not have to make sense, it’s ok if it has grammatical errors, just keep writing for 15 minutes.

  1. Creative work

Just do any work, you really wish you could get time for. Now that you are up early, you could read the book you really wanted to read, exercise, meditate or do anything you love.

  1. Keep the schedule going

The key to becoming a morning person is going to bed and waking up at relatively the same time every day – even weekends. This will help our brain understand when to go to sleep and wake up.


This was the blog for this week and I hope each one of you out there to use these tips, follow all precautions and  STAY SAFE!

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And see you next week. Have a good day ahead!


Work From Home- Tips

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Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly.

1)Make your own routine

Making and following a daily routine can help you establish priorities, limit procrastination, keep track of goals, and even make you healthier. Making your own routine will make you confident during the day.

2) Follow Your Passion

You should follow your passion at the start of the day itself. It is the best way to start your day and make it productive.

3)Dress up

Dressing up has proven to have the ability to boost your mood and overall confidence. Nothing feels better than looking good. And when you are done for the day, you can change into your comfortable clothes and relax.

4)Have a clear workspace

Tidying your place also tidies up your mind. It is suggested by psychologists that a messy room is a representation of a disorganized mental state. When one is tidy and organized it also builds into their life, helping them in everything.

5)To-do list

It helps you keep track of the tasks you have to do and their deadline. Along with making a to-do list you should make one column of your top 2 priorities. If you complete these 2 priorities, you still feel productive and happy with your progress.

6)Taking breaks

Breaks are very essential, even a 10-minute brain can refresh your mind. A break may include listening to your favorite song, catching some fresh air, taking a power nap or reading a book.

7)Use google calendars and alarms

This tip can change your life completely. If you are a person who keeps forgetting about their online classes or meeting, just taking 10 minutes and scheduling them will help a lot. It makes your day more organized and helps you in making your routine.

8)Are you actually working?

At times when you need notes or some help from your friends, you need to switch on your device and ask them but even you know if you are working or not. Scrolling through social media is a complete waste. You need to know that nothing is running away except time.

This was a short blog but I expect each one of you out there to use these tips, follow precautions and  STAY SAFE!

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And see you soon. Have a good day ahead!


Coronavirus: The fake health advice you should ignore…

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Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly.

The wide-scale supply chain disruption caused by coronavirus doesn’t have a simple fix.The coronovirus outbreak has taken many lives which has bought alive a fear because of which people take good precautions but they also fall for wrong ones.World Health Organization recommends people not take these fake advices or solutions against coronavirus. Some of them are as follows-

1) Drinking water every 15 minutes

One post, copied and pasted by multiple Facebook accounts, quotes a “Japanese doctor” who recommends drinking water every 15 minutes to flush out any virus that might have entered the mouth. There is absolutely no evidence that this will help. Airborne viruses enter the body via the respiratory tract, when you breathe in. Some of them might go into your mouth, but even constantly drinking water isn’t going to prevent you from catching the virus. Nonetheless, drinking water and staying hydrated is generally good medical advice.

2) Heat

There are lots of variations of the advice suggesting heat kills the virus – from recommending drinking hot water to taking hot baths, or using hairdryers. But trying to heat your body or expose yourself to the sun – presumably to make it inhospitable to the virus – is completely ineffective. Once the virus is in your body, there’s no way of killing it – your body just has to fight it off. And having a hot bath or drinking hot liquids won’t change your actual body temperature, which remains stable unless you are already ill.

3) Garlic

Lots of posts which recommend eating garlic to prevent infection are being shared on Facebook.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) says that while it is “a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties”, there’s no evidence eating garlic can protect people from the coronavirus.

This was a short blog but I expect each one of you out there to discard these fake advice, follow the good precautions and  STAY SAFE!

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And see you soon.Have a good day!



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Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly. Today I am going to be putting the world’s most unanswerable questions list in front of you! There are thousands of questions that just cannot be answered.

Before we start,let me notify you all on the changes I’ll be making in my weekly blog.

1)I am opening an INSTAGRAM account named on Feb 1st on which I would be posting a quote everyday which would be perfect to start your day and get a smile on your face!Don’t forget to check it out on Feb 1st!!!

2)I will be always starting my blog with a ‘smile, you’re beautiful’ quote and end with a thank you GIF.

3)I will be posting my blog every Thursday!

Are you smart enough to answer these questions? It’s time to test your smartness.

Number one– Why is a building called a building when it is already built ?

Number two-If the universe is finite,what is at the edge of the universe?

Since light takes time to reach us from the furthest depths of space, and the Universe hasn’t existed forever, there is a distance beyond which we cannot see. Some research suggests that the Universe is infinite. Other studies, most notably those of the temperature ripples in the cosmic microwave background (the afterglow from the Big Bang), imply that the Universe is actually finite. Even if the Universe is finite in size, it may still not have an ‘edge’, in the same way that the surface of the Earth is finite in area but doesn’t have an ‘edge’.

Number three Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?

I am not sure,yet it is interesting to know where the thought really goes. It must be lying there itself, where it originally was. the only thing which happens is that we ‘forget’ the location (address), where it resides. This fact is confirmed by the incidence that the same thought comes again to surface, when we encounter something in the surrounding.

Number Four-Does Heaven (the good place) and Hell (The bad place) exist ?

According to me,

  1. There is absolutely no evidence that such things exist.
  2. Their existence is a scientific impossibility, as is that of any form of afterlife.
  3. They’re both verifiable human inventions.

The only reason people believe in the concepts of a heaven and a hell is because they’re deeply embedded in our culture because of religious beliefs, founded on nothing more than bronze age mythology.

Number 5-What is the purpose of death? 

Shortly before his death, Steve Jobs said, “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.”

But why death?

Couldn’t we just dissolve into a pile of ash, fly out of our skin, step into an invisible elevator pre-programmed to go to the highest of all floors, or just mentally fade to black.

People fear death. We spend millions on vitamins, health food, fitness programs, and doctors all to avoid the unavoidable. Or is it unavoidable?

Why are we so terrified of the known?

And that’s it for this week! Do you have answers to any of these questions comment below as I am always looking forward to your valuable inputs!

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And see you soon.Have a good day!

A new year,A new beginning..

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Greetings everyone!!!

You can always restart your life. New Year is the right time to start a new life. The right time could be anytime, any day. Make a fresh start today! The new beginning in life will help you create more opportunities and overcome obstacles to bring more happiness and success.\

Life is precious and we need to make the best of it. No matter what happens, there’s always a time and reason to make a new beginning.For me, everyday is a new beginning. However, it’s okay if sometimes we try to find occasions to make the new beginning and start a new life.Most people prefer the New Year period to start afresh or make resolutions. There’s nothing wrong with that provided you follow it up and stay motivated to achieve your goals.You may be forced to start a new life after a failure. You may want to start afresh to change your life with the aim to have more success in life.Initially, it may seem to be a daunting and difficult task. But starting a new life can be exciting and interesting if you’re determined and sporting. You only stand to gain and will eventually make your life better.

Now,the only question. How?

After making a lot of research,I have come up with the best ways to a new year.

  1. Brainstorm about changes and improvements you’d like to make. These can be about anything, not just the big ones but small ones too.
  2. Look at your list and reflect, using the SMART mnemonic. Make sure your goals are:
    • S – Specific– This means your goals include systems for achieving them. You have specific actions that can be carried out that work toward your larger goal.
    • M – Measurable. This means that the changes you see once the goal is reached is noticeable.
    • A – Attainable. This means that the goal is realistic and can be reached. There are benefits to aiming high, but you don’t want to aim so high that you become disappointed.
    • R – Relevant (or Rewarding). This means that there is a real need for your goal. You have been unsatisfied with a certain area of your life for some time, and you have a strong motivation to want to change it.Also reward yourself after each resolution you accomplish.
    • T – Trackable. This is similar to measurable, but means that you can assess your progress throughout the process. Have you made a schedule and are you following it?
  3. Talk to others about your goals. Discuss your goals and why you made them with your family and friends. This step is very important!People who tell others about their goals are more likely to accomplish them, whether it’s because they have extra support they need, or because they’re afraid of being embarrassed if they don’t accomplish them, it’s hard to say.
  4. Print out copies of your resolutions. Save a copy on each computer or electronic device you own, such as your cell phone and tablet.
    • Stick one near your bed.
    • Make a smaller copy and keep it in your ID card.
    • Stick a copy on the outside of your refrigerator!

And that’s it,you are ready to start a new year.

But there is a good and a bad news before you start.

Bad News: A lot can change in a year

Good News: A lot can change in a year.

Don’t lose hope. Stay strong, I believe in you.

Its new year a time to look ahead and time to reflect the past.

Was the last year memorable forgettable? The new year can be different!

“Create in me, a clean heart god and renew a right spirit, within me.”

Whatever the new year may hold:

The good


The Bad

Its better with god.

And yes,I remmeber that i was supposed to put a blog on the story but i am still working on it.And last but not the least-

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Thanks!! Hope to see you soon…



Wait! Don’t Hibernate During Winter Break!


It’s winter break! You’ve finally taken your exams and now you get some time to yourself to do whatever you want. But… what exactly should you do? Here are our suggestions for the six best ways to spend your winter break and refresh and prepare for the coming exams .

  1. Catch Up on Sleep

Okay, so you shouldn’t hibernate, sleeping your entire winter break away. However, do be sure to catch up on any sleep that you might have missed while cramming for your finals. You can’t save up on sleep for the future, but you can make up for lost sleep in the past. Take as many naps as you need; you earned them.

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  1. Eat Home-Cooked Food

It’s easy to neglect your diet and health during college in general, what with all of the available fast (delicious) food options and less-than-stellar kitchen set-ups. But it’s especially hard to keep up with feeding yourself healthy meals when you’re focused on passing, or even acing, multiple difficult final exams. If you’re home for winter break, eat as much healthy, home-cooked food as you can.

3.Spend Time With Friends and Family

School classwork and homework can be extremely busy, leaving you with little time to see your friends and family, especially those who don’t live close to yourhome. Use your winter break to catch up with your loved ones, update them on what you’ve been doing, and hear about what’s going on in their lives. Get as much quality time in as you can while you have the opportunity. And don’t forget to take photos that you can bring back to school with you for those days when you’re feeling homesick.

  1. Get Ready for Next exams

Toward the end of winter break, it’s time to start looking forward to next exam. Make sure you’re prepared for your next set of courses and anything you might need for your exam.You might even want to get a little bit ahead of your upcoming classes by reading the books or learning the material that you know you’ll cover during your next exam.

No matter how you choose to spend your winter break, the best part about it is that the time will be your own to enjoy and productively utilize as you’d like. Following these suggestions should have you feeling good and ready for the future. Good luck!

Upcoming blog…

About an orphan named Elisha, a small room she lived in. Did you ever believe that a clock could change a life?

To know more…Wait for the next blog,2 days after Christmas where Elisha gets a chance to share her story.

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Happy Children’s Day!

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What is your dream? Will you achieve your dream in your lifetime?

Greetings!! This blog is not much about Children’s day but is about their endless dreams. This is for you to make your dreams into reality.

On this auspicious occasion of children’s day. I would like to design the first step of your future. The first and second step will automatically make the rest of the steps and the doors of success will slowly open.

  • Make a list.-Write down all the dreams ambitions. (If you know what you want to become. You may proceed to the next.)

Returning to the first question, I’m certain that you desire to achieve your dream. I’m sure you hope you will. But will you actually do it? What odds would you give yourself? One in five? One in a hundred? One in a million? How can you tell whether your chances are good or whether your dream will always remain exactly that—a dream? And are you willing to put it to the test?

Most people I know have a dream. In fact, I’ve asked hundreds, if not thousands, of people about their dream. Some willingly describe it with great detail and enthusiasm. Others are reluctant to talk about it. They seem embarrassed to say it out loud. These people have never tested their dream. They don’t know if others will laugh at them. They’re not sure if they’re aiming too high or too low. They don’t know if their dream is something they can really achieve or if they’re destined to fail.

Most people have no idea how to achieve their dreams. What they possess is a vague notion that there is something they would like to do someday or someone they would like to become. But they don’t know how to get from here to there. If that describes you, then you’ll be glad to know that there really is hope.

Know the Answers Before You Take the Test

When you were a kid in school, do you remember a teacher doing a review before a test and saying something like, “Pay attention now, because this is going to be on the test”? I do. The encouraging teachers who wanted to see their students succeed said things like that all the time. They wanted us to be prepared so we could do well. They put us to the test, but they set us up for success.

I want to prepare you to put your dream to the test so you can actually achieve it. How? I believe that if you know the right questions to ask yourself, and if you can answer these questions in an affirmative way, you will have an excellent chance of being able to achieve your dreams. The more questions you can answer positively, the greater the likelihood of success! First of all, you need to:

  • Understand what a dream actually means-

–Dream is a cherished aspiration. An example of a situation could be(here are your questions):

In the middle of the night, your colleague wakes you up and tells you that there is an emergency at your workplace. Would you leave your bed, for your dream work? What is that dream that is not done by looking at the clock but is done pursuing your passion and love for it?

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Asking these questions to yourself will give you your dream ambition. And remember there is no age limit in planning your future as it is truly said: “If you have a heartbeat, there’s still have time for your dreams.”

What is your dream? let me know in the comments below! I would love your encouraging feedback.


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Why is Diana Sad?

Diana: Hi Amishi…

Me: Hi…why do you look so sad? Everything alright?

Diana: No, My this year’s marks went really down.

Me: Do you have any idea why did this happen?

Diana: Maybe because I started preparing late and did not take studies seriously.

Me: That’s right. Do you want some tips?

Diana:  Oh yes, how can I forget that you were known as the ‘ take a tip from the box for free ’in your class.

Hey guys !!! I was really excited to write this blog. It has been a long time since I have posted anything. I sincerely apologize as blog website had been hanged up but now no worries. You can relax at your backseats, don’t forget to fasten your seat belts. We are soon leaving on the journey for living an organised life.

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 These are some various ways to make your new academic year the best and to impress teachers.

1)Prepare before

Your holidays might have now reached an end but as I mentioned in one of my previous blogs it’s never too late to start doing anything. It’s the best time for you to prepare for the next grade. There might obstacles which could lead you to quit but as the saying goes :

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2)Don’t forget the fun!

By fun, I mean the extracurricular activities. For me personally, There is education and enjoyment! You might have not gotten enough time to pursue your hobbies as you were focused on your annual exams. After a  week of enjoyment, I am sure this is the best way to clear boredom.

3)Research time!

I really think this the best time to research your career. Well, Google is your best friend, especially during exams. Have you ever wondered that Google could also be helpful during the holidays?

2 days ago, I  had attended a workshop named ‘explore engineering ‘in BITS Pilani Dubai. It has been a dream for me to engineer from when I was young. Coming to grade 8, I needed to know what field in engineering I would take. After attending a 2-day workshop, I got to know that I had developed my interest in environmental engineering. It might be a new term for you but it has almost been a year for me researching about what does an environmental engineer do. It is basically a branch of Civil engineering. 

To help me build my career, I would request you to fill a small survey on the environment.

Here is the link  to the survey:



I really think these are the tips that will help you for a great Start for your new academic year.

The next blog is about the scariest nightmare of a normal girl…


A normal girl.A big bungalow. Promotion…….

Diana: The tips were fabulous but what comes after the girl’s promotion?

Me: You will find that out only in the next blog.

Diana: I am going to steal your blog notebook. (ready to run…)

Me: No!! So stay tuned on my website and never miss out any blog. Don’t forget to comment about what do you think is the best way to utilise the most of your holidays. I really hope that you have filled my recently uploaded survey. (saying rapidly )DIANA Wait !!!