Things to be grateful for during this time…

Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly.

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This year, humans have gone through a lot. Each day we sleep wishing and hoping that there will be a better tomorrow.

I know it’s tough. I know it’s not easy. We need to do anything that makes us happy during this time. Because you and I aren’t fighting for a today. We’re fighting for a tomorrow. And there will be a tomorrow. Sooner than we know.

I was sitting in my room brainstorming ideas for my blog and that’s when the biggest task of my To-do list popped up in my head. And I have procrastinated it enough. Well, it is not my homework, it is the list of things I am grateful for. And now I expect you to make one too! Don’t lie to me, you have heard of this tip more than once but you never tried it. And especially when we are at home and there is a lot going on outside, this is the right time for it!

Request: Please forget all the negatives that are in your brain right now and calm yourself down.

Grab your paper and pen because we are going to do the biggest task of our TO-DO list.

Things to be grateful for-

  1. Being safe

This one of the most important things we should be thankful for. This virus entered the world in December and if I take you to a flashback in December, I can easily say-

  • You were going out
  • Eating at restaurants
  • Being in social contact
  • Going to school

And by the blessing of God, you are safe.

2. Staying at home-

I have been quarantined at home for more than 2 months now. I have been living in this house for 3 years now and I am not joking I have discovered a few items and corners that I never thought would be in my house! And if by chance, you moved to a new house recently, spend time exploring your house and don’t do it because you don’t have anything to do but do it to create memories.

3. Online learning-

I turned thirteen last year. And since then I have had a feeling of ‘Being independent’. I thought the only way to be independent was to stay away from parents. But this year I realized that being independent is taking the responsibility of your own. Taking the responsibility of your studies is what I learned this year, you need to concentrate on your studies and work yourself as no one is there to keep an eye on you.

We have so much to be grateful for. Although things might not look good right now, we can look forward to the hope that one day, we’ll go out again. We’ll be able to see our friends without fearing for our lives. We’ll get to travel to places and fly around the world. Just breathe and smile! Everything will be okay! God is with us and will be with us.

This was the blog for this week and I hope each one of you out there becomes more grateful, follow all precautions and STAY SAFE! Don’t forget that I believe in you and I am sure you will get through this time.

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And see you next week. Have a good day ahead!

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