Image result for smile you are beautiful quotes

Greetings!!! Welcome or Welcome back to ‘’THE NEXT STEP TO SUCCESS”’ where I express my thoughts and writing skills weekly. Today I am going to be putting the world’s most unanswerable questions list in front of you! There are thousands of questions that just cannot be answered.

Before we start,let me notify you all on the changes I’ll be making in my weekly blog.

1)I am opening an INSTAGRAM account named The.next.step.to.success on Feb 1st on which I would be posting a quote everyday which would be perfect to start your day and get a smile on your face!Don’t forget to check it out on Feb 1st!!!

2)I will be always starting my blog with a ‘smile, you’re beautiful’ quote and end with a thank you GIF.

3)I will be posting my blog every Thursday!

Are you smart enough to answer these questions? It’s time to test your smartness.

Number one– Why is a building called a building when it is already built ?

Number two-If the universe is finite,what is at the edge of the universe?

Since light takes time to reach us from the furthest depths of space, and the Universe hasn’t existed forever, there is a distance beyond which we cannot see. Some research suggests that the Universe is infinite. Other studies, most notably those of the temperature ripples in the cosmic microwave background (the afterglow from the Big Bang), imply that the Universe is actually finite. Even if the Universe is finite in size, it may still not have an ‘edge’, in the same way that the surface of the Earth is finite in area but doesn’t have an ‘edge’.

Number three Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?

I am not sure,yet it is interesting to know where the thought really goes. It must be lying there itself, where it originally was. the only thing which happens is that we ‘forget’ the location (address), where it resides. This fact is confirmed by the incidence that the same thought comes again to surface, when we encounter something in the surrounding.

Number Four-Does Heaven (the good place) and Hell (The bad place) exist ?

According to me,

  1. There is absolutely no evidence that such things exist.
  2. Their existence is a scientific impossibility, as is that of any form of afterlife.
  3. They’re both verifiable human inventions.

The only reason people believe in the concepts of a heaven and a hell is because they’re deeply embedded in our culture because of religious beliefs, founded on nothing more than bronze age mythology.

Number 5-What is the purpose of death? 

Shortly before his death, Steve Jobs said, “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.”

But why death?

Couldn’t we just dissolve into a pile of ash, fly out of our skin, step into an invisible elevator pre-programmed to go to the highest of all floors, or just mentally fade to black.

People fear death. We spend millions on vitamins, health food, fitness programs, and doctors all to avoid the unavoidable. Or is it unavoidable?

Why are we so terrified of the known?

And that’s it for this week! Do you have answers to any of these questions comment below as I am always looking forward to your valuable inputs!

Image result for thank you gif

And see you soon.Have a good day!


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