Wait! Don’t Hibernate During Winter Break!


It’s winter break! You’ve finally taken your exams and now you get some time to yourself to do whatever you want. But… what exactly should you do? Here are our suggestions for the six best ways to spend your winter break and refresh and prepare for the coming exams .

  1. Catch Up on Sleep

Okay, so you shouldn’t hibernate, sleeping your entire winter break away. However, do be sure to catch up on any sleep that you might have missed while cramming for your finals. You can’t save up on sleep for the future, but you can make up for lost sleep in the past. Take as many naps as you need; you earned them.

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  1. Eat Home-Cooked Food

It’s easy to neglect your diet and health during college in general, what with all of the available fast (delicious) food options and less-than-stellar kitchen set-ups. But it’s especially hard to keep up with feeding yourself healthy meals when you’re focused on passing, or even acing, multiple difficult final exams. If you’re home for winter break, eat as much healthy, home-cooked food as you can.

3.Spend Time With Friends and Family

School classwork and homework can be extremely busy, leaving you with little time to see your friends and family, especially those who don’t live close to yourhome. Use your winter break to catch up with your loved ones, update them on what you’ve been doing, and hear about what’s going on in their lives. Get as much quality time in as you can while you have the opportunity. And don’t forget to take photos that you can bring back to school with you for those days when you’re feeling homesick.

  1. Get Ready for Next exams

Toward the end of winter break, it’s time to start looking forward to next exam. Make sure you’re prepared for your next set of courses and anything you might need for your exam.You might even want to get a little bit ahead of your upcoming classes by reading the books or learning the material that you know you’ll cover during your next exam.

No matter how you choose to spend your winter break, the best part about it is that the time will be your own to enjoy and productively utilize as you’d like. Following these suggestions should have you feeling good and ready for the future. Good luck!

Upcoming blog…

About an orphan named Elisha, a small room she lived in. Did you ever believe that a clock could change a life?

To know more…Wait for the next blog,2 days after Christmas where Elisha gets a chance to share her story.

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