The bad news(Part 2)

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is the continuation of my last blog…

Image result for whatever happens happens for good

Recap of my Last blog:


They both ran towards a professor who lived on the same floor. the conversation went like:

Elisha –Good evening sir!

Charlotte–hey sir!

professor–Good evening girls! Tell me, how can I help you?

Elisha and Charlotte–my roommate!!!!!!!

Professor– I am very sorry girls ! this is one of the top colleges in the world and the roommates cannot be changed. Please try next year.

Elisha and Charlotte- NEXT YEAR !!!!!!

So I am sure you wanted to know what happens next when to opposites come to the same room one stylish and one nerd !!So as the professor denied they decided to adjust. Late night Charlotte was putting on her all facial creams. And giving a lecture on the benefits of these creams.

Elisha -“-For god’s sake, can you shut up?? I am trying to study!!”

Charlotte—__________________This cream available for $50_________________Wait is there an exam tomorrow ??

Elisha– Science recap test ?? Can we sleep now?



Charlotte–Wait… this one… No, this one no! Ok, I have no clothes to wear!!

Image result for messy room full of clothes

Elisha: Can you shut up??

Charlotte–Never knew had to see this day! Can you help me to find my clothes??

Elisha– FINE !!


Elisha: Ah!!!! what is this??

Charlotte-My favorite top !! thanks, for the first time. I should probably change now.

Elisha-No! But I fell down because of you and your top…

Charlotte-I think I should say sorry to ——————my top—————–!!

Elisha And Charlotte-**************Fighting ******************

*Ting tong *

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Elisha And Charlotte–Oh no!! We mean, Good morning ma’am.

Professor–Good morning. What is going on here?
Elisha And Charlotte–NOTHING! We were sleeping.
Professor–What was the noise?
Charlotte–Ma’am the noise, that was from room no 201.
Professor–Oh! Sorry to disturb.
Elisha–No ma’am, its fine.

—————————–Closed the door —————————-

charlotte–this was so fast

Elisha– I know right. Never knew you were so good at telling lies!!

Now, finally, they became best friends!! but still, the story has not reached to an end!!

Wait, for part 3.That will be the last blog on bad news. Do they still continue to be best friends? What happens next?

Thanks a lot, guys!! I am leaving a suspense here !! Now, you can guess what will happen next. To know more wait for my next blog!

Image result for life challenges quotes

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