

Image result for never give up

Greetings!! I received a remarkable rejoinder from my last blog so here is my next blog…

Can you even remember a world before YouTube?

We personally have trouble remembering anything from the pre-YouTube era. It almost seems like the video streaming site has been around forever. Maybe that’s just because we love the site so much.

Youtube seems to have been around forever but has actually only been around since 2005 before being sold in 2007 for 1.65 billion US dollars. Many people including myself are fascinated by this amazing success and growth in such a short time. Many will draw inspiration from the Youtube story. And you never know, it could be your online company next that Google wants to buy!

YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim,  they worked for PayPal.The domain name “” was activated on February 14, 2005, with video upload options being integrated on April 23, 2005.

Wait !!🖐 don’t sleep. now let’s talk about the first YouTube video.

The first YouTube video, titled Me at the zoo, was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo.

Why was YouTube made??

According to the founders, the idea of a video sharing website was conceived when they had trouble sharing videos taken at a dinner party with their friends.

Some amazing facts about YouTube:

  • In November 2006, Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 Billion
  • The first YouTube video was titled “Me at the zoo” and shows founder co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. “I at the zoo” was uploaded at 8:27 PM on Saturday, April 23, 2005. The 19-second video has been viewed over 30 million times.
  • In 2012, a YouTube video called “The Innocence of Muslims” caused international anti-American demonstrations.

History of youtube😊

As employees of PayPal, the three soon realized, in 2004, that there wasn’t one location where videos could be shared. Years later, Karim explained that it was the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident as well as the tsunami in December that triggered the idea.

As a capital-funded startup, the idea for YouTube received an $11.5 million investment from Sequoia Capital in 2005. In February, the domain name was registered in the headquarters above a pizzeria in California. In April, the first ever video was uploaded by Karim named ‘Me at the Zoo’. After a Beta testing period, the site launched in December 2005 and a Nike commercial became the first video to receive one million views.

After extremely quick growth, Google acquired the company less than a year later for around $1.65 billion. However, the site was still relatively small compared to what we see today and it hadn’t even reached the UK and many other countries. In June 2007, the site eventually launched in the UK as well as eight other countries. After more growth, HD videos were introduced in December 2008 and there were more people now finding different uses for the site.

In 2009, big events occurred for YouTube including the full launch of HD (now up to 1080p rather than just 720p), one billion video views per day, and a partnership with Channel 4 meant that they had catch-up TV for the first time. As mentioned previously, there were also people finding different uses for the site and it was around this time when gaming and vlogging channels started to gain interest.

In 2010, new types of ads were introduced and the site soon hit three billion daily views mid-way through 2011. As audiences start to realize what can be found on the site, many gamers and vloggers now had an opportunity to earn a living simply by posting videos on YouTube and receiving revenue from ads and support. At the end of 2011, the whole site received a huge overhaul. Around one year later, the first ever video to hit one billion views was Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ ( You would have heard the song )shortly after the site announced four billion daily video views.
Since 2012, YouTube has gone from strength to strength and now finds itself as a multi-billion dollar company. In terms of the site itself, it has recently added live streaming, around 5 billion videos are watched each day, over 1.3 billion people use the site, and 300 hours of video are uploaded each and every minute.

In the years ahead, the support for YouTube is only going to get stronger and it has been predicted that around half of all under-30s will not pay for a TV subscription because of YouTube!

This is the reason why I kept the quote for today Never give up. The invention of Youtube was not at all easy. There were x100000 difficulties . But now youtube is a great success.

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thanks a lot, guys!!
Image result for thanks
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I hope this was motivating and interesting.



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